Monday, June 2, 2008

U.T.S.A. School Kayak Camp Shell Bar May 2008

Kevin, Pat, Kenza, Ruti, and Carlos and Me.

Departed the barn at 3:30 a.m.. Zero traffic practically all the way to the beach. Much better on my nerves, don't have to drive as fast. UTSA are all down there since last night, Eliot Assistant Director of O-REC likes them to mellow into this Tide Guide outing. Karen has roused the campers at about dawn, "No Camping Allowed", Kevin trip leader answers, but Bill said it was O.K.. Oh he did, well he always thinks he can do it his way........ha ha, i already had called Neal her husband on Tuesday, letting him know that we were coming, so its Neal's fault. Excellent weather, and i am relieved since i haven't guided since i sunk my "Sea Cow" this past winter. Eliot is the power behind this trip, helping me to get back on that horse!!!!
We are going primitive kayaking, self propelled. Light S.E. winds, and after one hour on the trail we pull into the sea grass shoreline for lunch. Migratory Wildlife are vacant, no ducks on the wing, now the marine life will begin migrating into the back bays, since water temps are rising. We take our time traveling to Shell Bar, and stop in the middle of Shoalwater bay a couple of times. Either myself or Kevin stand in the shallow water and resemble an anchor, holding on to every ones kayak so the wind wont blow them off, and we talk and rest. Finally ashore at Shell Bar things are inviting. Camp is easily pitched for the next three days, some exploring is done and then "We all settle under the shade canopy and take a wonderful 2 hour nap" wind blowing and just pleasant. I had explained to Eliot that nobody would be raving about the food we ate since i don't have the Sea Cow and the decadent amenities that went down with her. So at dinner just before sunset food is O.K.. Ruti is quiet interested in the celestial kingdom, and tonite the stars are dazzling, and with our nap we stay up, Kevin bought "so mores", you know the camp fire staple. Marsh mellows, chocolate, gram crackers sandwich, I sit quietly just out of the firelight, but Kevin is very thoughtful and feeds me this ritualistic concoction, gag, i don't refuse, but don't ask for seconds. Real enjoyable watching stars and not t.v.
Very pleasant morning S.E. winds light and cool. Basic breakfast, no coffee, since it brings on dehydration. Beach combing in the late morning with Ruti, Kenza, Pat and Myself, walked up the Santo Espiritu Bay front. We found Ruti a Straw hat. The girls picked up to loads of plastic trash, as their environmental contribution. I found two more oyster shell castles i call them, bleached and pretty, i keep a growing collection in my office.
Early afternoon paddling trip, turns into a circumnavigation of Grass Island. This Island is home to one of the pairs of Whooping Cranes during the winter. We stayed on the leeward shore for an hour or more, then Kevin went out through a pass into San Antonio Bay. He played in the small wind swell, then came back and suggested that we go outside and return on this side of Grass Island, it was safe, with winds onshore, so I agreeded to this change in course. He is trip leader for the University and this was a good call, this allowed the students to get some additional experience in the kayaks. Once back safely ashore on Shell Bar, another long nap for all of us under the shade and in the breeze.
Sunday morning we depart Shell Bar very early with a 15 knot starboard aft wind, and it is a cinch to cover the 5 miles back to Welders, I waved at him as he stood on his dock. Thanks UTSA for getting Tide Guide out on the bay again......

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