Sunday, May 31, 2009

UTSA May 2009 Kayak Kamp

Fine friday morning. UTSA kayakers already at the marina, they stayed last night. I arrive in time for honey dew breakfast mellon. Kevin has the group moving and we are all delighted especially me that the winds are at our back for the 5 mile trek by kayak to my Shell Bar. There where numerous highlight to this expedition, but in writing this i am going to jump to the beauty baths we all indulged in.....(SEE PHOTO'S). This extra caricular activity is somewhat of a tradition during fair weather for the UTSA Kayakers, we've dived in the primordeal oze a couple of years in a row now, and it is fun. We let the mud bake on for awhile while giggleing on shore in the sunshine, then a good dip to make you beautiful again. We found this mud, during Saturdays circumnavigation of Steam Boat Island. Other highlights of this trip to me where just the forecast of steady weather, so for 3 whole days none of us where subject to much stress. How rare!!!!!

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