Thursday, July 23, 2009


This first picture is not staged, Natalie (in pink) told me i had surfed her out. and she is now part of the beach, and the other ladies joined her, wellllll that is what i do best is get them on the water. this particular session we paddled out 300 yards from shore, to just see what it was like, and to show them where the line up is when a major tropical swell develops. so it is quite a bit of excersice out and back to shore.
Group photo. and everyone became a surfer, and could stand up!!!!!!!

Now to the heart of the story, Here is the man who is hooked for life by his lovely wife.......after surfing all day saturday, then having a fine evening meal, Keith took Natalie out in front of camp each with a fishing rod, I was impressed, very few men have the privelege of a wife to fish with. The rest of the camp eased into the beach chairs and enjoyed the surroundings. then sometime later, i see Keith approach, he is like cleaning his teeth with a toothpic or something, Natalie is trailing behind. Keith passes by our grandstand and mumbles something, but he isnt exactly cleaning his teeth????? He is holding on to something!!!!! It is a stainless steel fish hook gone clean through his lip..............and sticking out ,,,,,,the barb passed through and is visible,,,,Keith is mad, embarassed and wants no smart remarks. i follow him over to his pick up truck and he has grabbed his fishing pliers and is getting ready to operate. its getting dark too. i get him to let go of this huge piece of metal, and i hardly know what to say or do, again a real fish hook is in his lip. Now i dont say something like "that is supposed to be in the trouts lip"... no i dont say that at all, Keith is 6'3'' and 220 pounds. Natalie walks up almost in tears, well in tears....and we begin to learn the grit. because the lovely wife was complicit,,,,,,hooo yeah, she will never live this one down...Keith was changing lures on his line, and holding the hook between his teeth, a common practice, and according to his version of the story, Natalie 30 yards away, made a neophyte cast and bopped Keith on the back, which then snagged Keiths line and you can guess the rest, that is why we decided that "Keith is hooked for life, by Natalie" i took them to the hospital, keeping them seperated, i put Keith in the front seat and Nataile out of reach in the back seat, Keith was a gentleman and was not to rude to his wife on the drive to and from the hospital. I had the doctor save the hook after it was removed so that Keith and Natalie can show it to their 4 month old son Kade when he grows up.
Oh yeah and surfing was fun to on this trip for Joe and Vanessa and Alex and Ashley and me......

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