Monday, August 10, 2009

august 2009 surf camp #5

Picture #1 tiny sun - big boat, sunrise august 12. Picture #2 all surfers made stand up rides. Patrick Peden the most with 27 rides. Linda Ware with 26 rides. Cally Simpson with one ride, but she did go 30 feet and got to sign the awning. Allen Simpson at least 25 rides. Elezina Cemer from Yugoslavia, about 5 rides with some help from me and then without any help. Major Minor (your author) 107 rides. ssssssssooo pretty fair weekend. wavves so,so, but wind not to high and waves didnt beat you to death, outside peaks monday morning 8 - 10 foot so good drops fairly fast rail rides. weather all trip long was mighty fine and not that hot, sleeping was cool. picture #3 the ranger station. Saturday night after dinner conversation was good, Elizina shared lots about having escaped from communism as a little girl. Linda and Cally are mothers and Cally a mother of two sons. Linda one son, one daughter and her daughter is quite a surfer, but was in california. These two ladies revealed a deep dark secret of high school agony years to the light of day. they explained to me that the reason boys wonder "what is wrong with me!" is because there is something wrong?///????? young males,,,,, dont have a frontal lobe.....and dont get one until we really need it, like after we have been drafted into wars, or been through hell, drank to much etc. then our bodies develop a frontal lobe. This information was welcomed by me, because now i know that it wasnt my fault all the mischief, disolution, embareasment, illiteracy etc... Picture #4 Allen Simpson age 14, no frontal lobe. Walking back to camp to change surfboards or come to talk with me. He is doing pretty well he got his drivers license last week, and monday has to be at school to band practice, he is one of 29 trumpeters on the squad, and in a band of, he said 200!!. but still no frontal lobe, for another 10 years. so i learned alot this weekend. also patrick during a converstation he and i had, he came up with a solution for our nation. He says, congress and the senate should have term limits of 12 years, no more career politicians........ nobody got sunburned and no one injured, although Linda did get a surfboard on her head after a wipeout, but all in all we all had fun and relaxed alot.......

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